Showing posts with label Baby. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baby. Show all posts

Friday, September 24, 2010

All Quiet on the WC front...(finally!)

Yikes, tough evening.  My three-and-a-half-month old daughter (who shall now be called, The Monkey) has been a little Fussy McFusserson these past three days.  She was doing pretty good this past month, but I have a feeling she's starting to regress a little.  She was a colicky baby right from the beginning.  The first night she was born, and when the nurses wheeled her into my room to sleep, she cried for three hours.  I was convinced that she hated me and that she sensed my inexperience with babies.  Let's just say, our relationship started off pretty rocky.

Once she reached the three-month mark, things took a dramatic change.  She actually started to get cute! (I'm not one of those mom's with rose-colored glasses who automatically thinks their darling baby is the cutest thing in the world, especially at the newborn stage.  Monkey was wrinkled, jaundiced, hairy and literally looked like a monkey, hence the nickname).  Now, she's pretty adorable and has a smile that melts my heart!

She finally stopped crying now after a two-hour marathon.  At least she doesn't throw banana peels at me.